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The MISTER SIZE Condom Blog

Enhance Your Love Life - The MISTER SIZE Blog

Valuable tips, exciting insights, profound knowledge and sensual ideas for your romantic moments. In our MISTER SIZE blog, you will discover lots of new ideas that can take your love life to the next level. Take the time to browse and enjoy our articles. We also welcome you to write to us. Feel free to ask us any questions and share which topics are particularly important to you. We promise to fully respect your opinions and requests and will naturally respond promptly.

RelationshipsSex Our TipsNews

Schutzschild mit Kondom drauf, smbolisch für den Schutz den Kondome vor Krankheiten und Schwangerschaften bieten
Sex knowledge about condoms

How safe are condoms really?

Discover how reliably condoms protect you from pregnancy & diseases, with tips for correct use. We shed light on safety, use and protect you from the biggest mistakes. Get smart, stay protected!

Warensendungen aus China und Fernost
Our tips about condoms

The hidden risks of cheap products from the Far East

Discover the hidden risks of cheap products and how you can ensure quality and safety with condoms and more from the Far East.

Luxemburg Flagge als Nummer 1 auf einem Siegertreppchen zum Thema Verhütung

Luxembourg leads Europe in contraception

Discover how Luxembourg takes the lead in the European contraception ranking with 94.2% and how Eastern and Western Europe differ.

Drei Mülleimer zum Entsorgen von Kondomen
Our tips about condoms

Dispose of condoms correctly

Learn how to dispose of condoms in an environmentally conscious way and contribute to a sustainable future. A guide to responsible behaviour

Kondome in einer Schachtel in Herzform zum Valentinstag
Sex knowledge about condoms

Valentine's Day & Condom Day

Discover the true meaning of Valentine's Day and how the day of the condom unites health and love. A look at tradition, commerce and enlightenment.

Der etwas andere Messschieber, der Condom Sizer
Our tips about condoms

The caliper with a difference - our Condom Sizer

Calipers are precise tools and offer greater accuracy than many other measuring instruments while being easy to use. The Condom Sizer uses the same principle to determine condom size.

Spermizid und Kondome
Our tips about condoms

Spermicide and condoms

Learn about the advantages and disadvantages of spermicides in protecting against unwanted pregnancies and why well-fitting condoms are safer for contraception.

Mann mit roter Schleife am Hemd zum Welt-AIDS-Tag
Sex knowledge about condoms

World AIDS Day: The invisible danger of sexually transmitted diseases

To mark World AIDS Day on 1 December, we would therefore like to raise awareness of the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV.

Ruinien des Palastes von Knossos auf Kreta
Sex knowledge about condoms

How long have condoms been around? - The history of contraception

The historical origins of the condom are as simple as they are ingenious - and condoms have undergone exciting changes over the course of time.

Kondom, Antibabypille und andere Verhütungsmittel

Condom replaces contraceptive pill as the number one contraceptive in Germany

Current study data show why the condom has replaced the pill as the leading contraceptive in Germany. Find out more about the increasing criticism of hormonal methods and other reasons in favour of condoms.

Unterschiedliche Kondome von Mister Size mit unterschiedlichen nominalen Breiten
Sex knowledge about condoms

Nominal width of condoms - what is it?

The nominal width must always be specified for condoms. Find out exactly what the nominal width means and how to calculate the right condom size for you.

Verschiedene Verhütungsmittel: Was ist der Pearl-Index und wie wird er berechnet?
Sex knowledge about condoms

What is the Pearl Index - and why condoms are good!

Safety of condoms: What is the Pearl Index, how is it calculated and what should you be aware of? A compact overview of the most important facts.

Dose mit Creme in einer Hand und etwas Creme in der anderen Hand
Our tips about condoms

Alternatives to lubricant - What is the best substitute?

One tablespoon of olive oil can be more damaging to a condom than 18 litres of air pumped into it. Find out why and which popular lube alternatives should stay in the kitchen.

Einzelne Mister Size Kondome in einer Schale
Sex knowledge about condoms

Using expired condoms: 23 surprising life hacks

You have old, expired condoms at home? Don't throw them away! In this post, you'll find 23 creative and surprising life hacks on how to use and reuse them.

Erektionsstörungen, Potenzprobleme oder erektile Dysfunktionen können sehr belastend für Männer sein, das sind Gründe und Ursachen dafür
Our tips about condoms

Erectile dysfunction: causes and reasons

Erectile dysfunction can be very stressful for many men. You can find out more about the causes of erectile dysfunction, how it is diagnosed and treated, and other helpful information and tips in this article.

Nummer 1 im großen Kondomvergleich

Number 1 in the big condom comparison - MISTER SIZE rated "Very Good"

In the big condom comparison of March 2023, Mister Size condoms are number 1 with a rating of 1.2.

Eine Banane, die mit einem Maßband umwickelt ist, um das Messen eines kleinen Penisses anzudeuten
Sex knowledge about condoms

Why women and porn stars like small penises

In today's society, big penises are idolised and small penises made a mockery of. But why do many women and even porn stars like small penises, you can find out in this article!

Kondom für Kids, Kinder und Jugendliche, mit 2 Fingern und aufgemaltem Gesicht
Our tips about condoms

Condoms for kids - condoms that grow with children

Most children and adolescents have sex for the first time at a time when their bodies are not yet fully formed. Nevertheless, they need to protect themselves well, which is rarely possible with standard condom sizes. That's why there are condoms that…

Liebendes Paar küsst sich im Bett
Our tips about condoms

5 ways to ensure you are having the best Orgasms this Spring

Who doesn’t love having intense orgasms? Occasionally, our sex-life can get into a bit of a rut with reduced sexual pleasure - so here are five ways to ensure you are having the best orgasms this spring.

Frauen hinter einem Schild zum internationalen Frauentag 2023
Condoms in the relationship

International Women’s Day: Is your partner wearing the right size condom?

With International Women’s Day around the corner, we thought it would be empowering to look at how we can take back control of our sexual health and ensure your partner is wearing the right size condom for safer sex. Let’s answer five of your most…

Ein Liebespaar hält zwei rote Herzen in der Hand zum Valentinstag
Our tips about condoms

How to make Valentine’s Day a memorable moment

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, we know that planning the perfect night can often feel daunting, so we’re here to make sure your evening is a night to remember. With this in mind, here’s how to make Valentine’s Day a memorable moment.

Luis von Spondoms (links) eröffnet zusammen mit Max vom AStA der Leuphana Universität Lüneburg (rechts) den kostenlosen Kondomspender

Free condoms for students in Germany

Free condoms for everyone? In some countries this has long been a reality, in Germany Mister Size now also offers free condoms for students at some universities.

Slow Sex: Eine Frau küsst zärtlich die Brust eines Mannes
Condoms in the relationship

Slow Sex: What is it, how does it work and what are the benefits?

Slow sex is all the rage and we hear about it all the time. But what is slow sex? How does it work and what are the advantages? Find out here & what else is hidden behind the misleading name.

Küssendes Paar unter der Bettdecke
Our tips about condoms

5 New Year Sex Resolutions for a pleasurable 2023

January marks the start of a fresh new year and like all new beginnings, this tends to result in our enthusiasm for making all kinds of aims and resolutions. Here are 5 sex-positive New Year's resolutions for a satisfying sex-life for 2023…

Das erste Mal Sex, das musst du darüber wissen und so musst du dich vorbereiten
Sex knowledge about condoms

Having sex for the first time: Tips & info to make it beautiful

Having sex for the first time can be pretty weird. This article tells you everything you need to know to make your first time as good as possible.

Baktierien als Symbol für sexuell übertragbare Geschlechtskrankheiten
Condoms in the relationship

How can you protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections (STIs)?

Condoms in the right size are the best protection against sexually transmitted infections (STI or STD) such as chlamydia or HPV and HIV.

Ein Mann ohne Erektionsstörungen oder Potenzprobleme liegt im Bett neben einer Frau, beide kuscheln miteinander.
Our tips about condoms

Increase potency as a man, how to improve your potency

Erectile dysfunction and potency problems are annoying and can be remedied because an unhealthy lifestyle is often the cause.

Was passiert wenn man die falsche Größe hat aus Sicht des Weihnachtsmannes
Our tips about condoms

12 days of Christmas: What happens when you have the wrong size

What happens when you have the wrong sized item? With hilarious tales from Santa, find out why wearing the wrong size can cause chaos and discomfort with the 12 days of Christmas and why a Mister Size condom really is the greatest gift you can have…

Mister Size Figuren als Symbol für 7 verschiedene Kondomgrößen

Condom Sizes: Condoms Tailor-made for you

How do you know what size condom is the right one for your penis? Find out why you should find your perfect fitted condom, how to find your tailor-made condom, the benefits of wearing the perfect fitting condom, what condom sizes are available? And…

Ein blauer Hintergrund auf dem verschiedene hormonelle und hormonfreie Verhütungsmittel für Frauen liegen
Sex knowledge about condoms

Hormone-free contraception for women, the 10 best methods

Many women want to use hormone-free contraception and find alternatives to the pill. In this article we show you the 10 best hormone-free contraceptives for women.

Nachttisch neben dem Bett zur Aufbewahrung von Kondomen
Our tips about condoms

Storing condoms properly

The correct storage of condoms has a direct influence on the shelf life and safety of your condoms, so you should know the most important rules for storage. Find out here what you need to keep in mind when storing condoms.

Hände die ein Kondom als Verhütungsmittel, ein Skalpell für eine Vasektomie und eine Spritze für Vasalgel halten
Sex knowledge about condoms

Contraceptive methods for men: These new & old ones are available

Contraception is important, but what contraceptive methods are there for men? What new contraceptive methods might soon be available? And what are their advantages and disadvantages? Find out in this article!

Symbolbild: Selbstbefriedigung bei Frauen
Sex knowledge about condoms

Masturbation, how to pamper your body properly

The guidebook for women who want to enjoy their lives to the fullest without being dependent on a man.

Ruinien des Palastes von Knossos auf Kreta
Sex knowledge about condoms

How long have condoms been around? - The history of contraception

The historical origins of the condom are as simple as they are ingenious - and condoms have undergone exciting changes over the course of time.

Mann und Frau beim Sommer-Flirt
Condoms in the relationship

The 12 best flirting tips for summer

Summer is the best time to flirt. The days are longer, the nights are shorter and people are generally more relaxed and excited. With these tips you are guaranteed to succeed and have fun.

Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum bei Kondomen von Mister Size
Our tips about condoms

Shelf life of condoms - all important information

What is the shelf life of condoms? What is the minimum shelf life date all about? Find out all the important information now.

Paar im Sommer am Strand
Our tips about condoms

Summer sex tips: 7 ways to have sensational sex this Summer

Summer has finally arrived bringing with it sunshine, summer glow and scorching summer sex. With the temperature soaring, here are 7 summer sex tips to help you have sensational sex this summer.

Internationale Flaggen
Sex knowledge about condoms

Contraception in other countries - condom, pill, etc. worldwide

How does contraception work in other countries? Are condoms and the pill also popular contraceptive methods worldwide?

Thermometer zeigt die aktuelle Temperatur an
Sex knowledge about condoms

Are there temperatures that are dangerous for condoms?

How do condoms tolerate heat and cold? What happens if condoms have been stored too hot in summer or too cold in winter? Find out all the details here.

Kondom Anwendung
Our tips about condoms

Use of condoms

What should I bear in mind when using condoms? Here are the most important tips before you use condoms.

Mein Kondom ist Mister Size - Haufen mit Kondomen

My condom is Mister Size

Condom users who have already tried several condoms write to us again and again that they have found their condom in MISTER SIZE. Of course, we are happy about this and therefore we wanted to know exactly and also let others know about their…

Jan und Eva Krause Geschäftsführer der Vinergy GmbH mit Mister Size Kondomen

When it comes to safe sex, you can't do without condoms

Our managing directors Eva and Jan Vinzenz Krause give an interview in eLine Magazine about the potential of condoms in the erotic retail trade.

Mann mit vielen Piercings im Ohr
Sex knowledge about condoms

Intimate piercing and safe sex with condoms - is that possible?

Find out what you need to know in order to be able to use contraception safely and always have the best possible protection.

Sommerurlaub mit Koffer
Our tips about condoms

The Top 12 Condoms in other languages

The summer holiday can come, with our list you are perfectly prepared for every hot flirt even on holiday.

Paar beim intimen Liebesspiel
Sex knowledge about condoms

Hversu mikið kynlíf er í raun eðlilegt?

Frá daglegu brúðkaupi til að stunda bara kynlíf einu sinni í mánuði - við höfum svarið!

Geplatztes Kondom über Kaktus stecken geblieben
Our tips about condoms

Condom stuck, slipped off or burst? That's what to do!

The condom slipped off, burst or got stuck in the vagina? Here you can find out what to do and how to prevent it in the future.

Französische Flaggen

Mister Size condoms in France

After we were able to win some dealers for our condoms in France, our French website is now also online.

Italienische Apotheke

Mister Size condoms in Italian pharmacies

You can now get your Mister Size condoms in the first pharmacies in Italy, and we have won the first Italian pharmacy wholesaler.

Mister Size Kondome in verschiedenen Größen
Sex knowledge about condoms

Condoms and condom sizes: ALL your questions answered

EVERYTHING you could ask about condoms and condom sizes is answered in this post. Click now to read more.

Italienische Flagge

Italian Mister Size website online

In Italy, you can buy Mister Size condoms in more and more shops now, which is why we are now adding an Italian website to our range.


Condom sizes in the drugstore - Mister Size is now available at Müller in Germany

Mister Size condoms are now also available in many German shops as well as in the Müller online shop.

7 verschiedene Kondomgrößen von Mister Size an Wäscheleine
Sex knowledge about condoms

Determine the right condom size in 4 simple steps

Using the right condom size is important for good protection. Here you can find out how to determine the right size in 4 easy steps.

Spanische Flagge

Our condoms are now also available in Spain

You are looking for condoms in Spain. Discover our first shops with Mister Size in the range on our new Spanish website.

Condoms in the relationship

Condoms in a relationship - lust killer or must-have?

Condoms are considered to be pleasure killers - especially in a committed relationship. But, is this really the truth? And when do condoms make sex even better?

Britische Flaggen

Sales launch in the UK and new English website

Our new English website also marks the launch of Mister Size condom sales in the UK.

Deutsche Apotheke Symbolbild

Mister Size condoms in pharmacies in Germany

Our condoms are now also available in German pharmacies. So the right condom size for you is also available in your area.

Our tips about condoms

Sex vs. Corona - 7 tips against lockdown boredom

Corona lockdown can be nice and all, but what if it should get a little heated? Level up your love life with these 7 sex tips.

Symbolbild Irland St. Patricks Day

Mister Size condoms now also in Ireland

Condoms in the right size are now also available in Ireland. Discover our new retailers on the island of Ireland.

Klopapier horten während Corona

Condoms instead of toilet paper

Germans are hoarding only toilet paper and noodles in the Corona pandemic? Not true, condoms have also seen an increase in sales of almost 40 percent.

Sex knowledge about condoms

10 good reasons for great sex (best here & now)

Sex is great! Even without any reason. But if you still want a little motivational boost, check out our 10 reasons for great sex right now.

Sex knowledge about condoms

Do more of it - with sex fantasies in personal imagination

Do you want more swing in bed or do you want to let your fantasies run free? Then turn on your imagination!

Our tips about condoms

One like no one - what the different penis shapes are all about

Every penis is different. But what forms are there actually? And what do they say about the man? Here you can find out everything you need to know.

Sex knowledge about condoms

Do people have less sex today?

Studies have shown that young people have less sex today than they used to. Why is that? And what can I do myself to change that?

Our tips about condoms

Put the condom on properly - how to do it without it being annoying

Do you want to do everything right the first time? Or see how putting the condom on is even easier? Check out our quick guide with cool tips.

Verliebtes Paar mit Wunderkerzen zu Neujahr
Our tips about condoms

The 12 best erotic New Year's resolutions

With these 12 ideas, you can kick-start your sex life over the next 12 months. Just pick one idea per month!

Condoms in the relationship

Friends with benefits, mingles, open relationship & polygamy - what's the deal with modern…

Generation unable to relate? Why else friends with benefits, open relationships and polyamory? Or is it useful? Here you can find information and tips.

Our tips about condoms

No matter how big or small - I love my penis

Body positivity is a great thing for men as well. No more worrying and comparing, just love your penis. You have every reason to do so. Find out why here.

Gleitgel wird über eine Banane laufen gelassen, die von einer Hand gehalten wird
Our tips about condoms

Condoms and lubricants – How to find the best for you

Is the lubricant always on-hand for when things get cuddly? If not, it better be! How this slippery aid can give your sex life a nice little boost.

Sex knowledge about condoms

Good sex does not have to be perfect

Sex is a wonderful thing - if not the most beautiful thing in the world. It gives us a little break from everyday life and we can completely sink into cozy feelings for a few moments. Good sex brings us a little closer to the person with whom we…

Condoms in the relationship

The Pill - Really the Right Way to Equal Rights in Sex?

The pill once promised self-determination - unfortunately with considerable side effects. How you can use contraception on an equal footing and enjoy great sex.

Influencer bei der Arbeit

Influencer wanted

We all know our shoe size. Why not our condom size or that of our partner? Become our Influencer now and make Mister Size even better known.

Mister Size - This condom fits you!

We carefully listened and incorporated lots of feedback and suggestions from different people and have now gone one step further. We have greatly improved the fit of our condoms and were also able to reduce the thickness to 0.05 mm. With MISTER SIZE, there is only a very thin layer of latex between you during sex. A layer that no longer separates you, but instead unites you with the feeling of safety and pleasure. Enjoy these benefits!


Would you like to know more about us? Here you can find out what really makes our brand special, our basic principles and what we believe in.


You can find out how to determine your condom size here.


No, almost no contraceptive is 100% safe. The safety of contraceptive methods is calculated according to the Pearl Index. Condoms have a Pearl Index of 2-12, which means that out of 100 women who use condoms for a year, 2 to 12 will become pregnant. Compared to other contraceptives, the condom scores rather poorly. In most cases, this is due to application errors. You can find out more about correct use here. However, when it comes to protection against STIs such as HIV, syphilis, gonorrhoea, hepatitis B and hepatitis C, a condom offers a high level of protection.


Condoms are usually made of rubber-like materials, the vast majority of which are made of latex. They are used during sex to protect against unwanted pregnancy and STIs and are pulled over the erect penis before sexual intercourse. Apart from sterilisation, the condom is the only means of contraception for men.


Condoms typically do not have any side effects, however, if you have a latex allergy, they can trigger an allergic reaction. About 2 % of people suffer from a latex allergy. Therefore, there are also latex-free condoms.


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